January 18, 2011

One Hit Wonder

Sorry about the bad picture quality, but thats what I get when i procrastinate and used flash while taking the pictures in the dark.
Lesson learned.
I really like this shirt for unexplained reasons honestly, but i always love casual tees with big ol' words on it!

got these black mary janes for a whopping 5 dolla! and added the socks i got for christmas for some color

tee shirt -urban outfitters, purple silk blazer from goodwill(originally topshop!) black skinnys from forever 21, black t strap flats from thrift store, and socks gift for christmas. arrow earring from urban outfitters.com

I quite proud of these pictures, since it tooke me like a full 15 minutes to get them. I love pictures like this, a la taylor swift's fearless album cover .


  1. hey thanks for your comment! cute blog!:)))

  2. love that tee! its such a nice casual top thats also really cool! love those colorful socks as well


  3. I really like your mary-janes, great deal! Also, you have gorgeous hair, seriously! :)

  4. love your outfit :)

    first giveaway: Hard Candy makeup products
    at: http://pinklemonincrystal.blogspot.com
